Getting the trilogy of movies isn’t completing the collection anymore.

Imagine you have seen an ad on TV for an awesome game that peeks your interest. You go down to your local EB to get it and find out there there is 2 other games before it that tie in with the series. So you think what they hey I’ll get them as well. The only problem is with transmedia narrative, you are still missing out on the story cause you didn’t get the movie/ book/ graphic novel/ etc. The main story may all be there but it will make more sense with these peripherals giving you clues about who is who or what is going on. Transmedia helps the developers of the story add on to what they have given the users and develop their story into something more.

There are many examples of transmedia narrative in today’s society. The Matrix trilogy is a great example in this case. Not only do they have the three movies but they have a video games, graphic novels, and an anime movie that all add to the main story in their own way. Within gaming there are quite a few examples of this as well. The Gears of Wars series has a book written for them as well as a pretty decent board game. Assassin’s Creed has all sorts of books and there are rumors for a movie to tie in with the series. Halo has a movie that was released with the latest game as well as different sorts of text.

All this is used to pull the audience in further and get them to be more involved in the series and get to know more about the universe of the story. Google Glass may be able to add to this by bringing in Augmented Reality applications to tie in with a story set in our universe or being able to access Glass exclusive content on the go. Glass is in such an early stage that it is hard to pin point exactly what it will be used for but the potential is unlimited.

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